Here are the latest News, Blogs and Resources from the Rio Club

The Importance of Carbon Literacy Training
Carbon Literacy training equips organisations with the skills to reduce emissions, achieve Net Zero targets, and foster a sustainable culture.
12 February, 2025 Learning,

Engaging Employees to Reduce Carbon Emissions through Gamification
Engage employees in carbon reduction through gamification with Rio's Higher or Lower Tournament, combining fun and education for impactful initiatives.
17 October, 2024 / Learning,

What is Sustainability Thinking and How Will it Impact Jobs in the Future?
As sustainability education helps us to see the bigger picture, no matter where we work, it also shows how every workplace action can impact the climate.
17 November, 2021 / Learning,

From Learn to Engage
Our move from Learn to Engage.
11 June, 2020 / Learning,

IEMA Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management
Launching online, post- Summer; register now.
14 May, 2020 / Learning,

NPAG NHS Conference
Healthcare Waste learning.
6 December, 2019 / Learning,

The Carbon Literacy Project
Carbon Literacy: “An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”
29 November, 2019 / Corporate Sustainability, Learning, Carbon,

Back to Basics
Ben Gardner visited Ecomondo in Rimini, Italy. These are his thoughts.
15 November, 2019 / Circular Economy, Plastics, Corporate Sustainability, Learning,

Blended Learning
The benefits of a blended learning programme.
14 November, 2019 / Learning,

Tailored and bespoke learning
Tailored and bespoke eLearning development.
1 November, 2019 / Learning,

What can you learn in 90 seconds?
We pose the question
3 October, 2019 / Learning,

What is sustainability?
The real defintion of Sustainability
16 April, 2019 / Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Good Health and Wellbeing, Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities, Learning,

What changed my behaviour?
My time in Rwanda changed my behaviour.
4 April, 2019 / Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Good Health and Wellbeing, Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities, Learning,

Shocking news highlights, 'What's your waste duty of care?'
A leading provider of healthcare waste management has been stockpiling tonnes of medical waste & body parts, failing to dispose of them properly; highlighting the importance of the waste duty of care. This blog explains the duty of care; providing practical guidance on how to meet your requirements.
9 October, 2018 / Waste, Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, Environmental Law and Compliance, Good Health and Wellbeing, Learning,
The evolving role of the waste contractor
Times are changing... Public obsession with single use plastics, cries for better food waste management; and the emergence of the circular economy. But what does this mean for the oft maligned waste contractor? How does it need to adapt and evolve to respond to today's outspoken ethical consumer?
19 September, 2018 / Waste, Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Plastics, Food Waste, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Learning,

WHITEPAPER: Achieving the SDGs: A Blueprint for Business Leadership
This brand new edie insight report, produced in collaboration with Ditto Sustainability, provides clear, practical steps that can be taken by sustainability and CSR professionals to embed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within their organisation’s business strategy.
9 August, 2018 / Circular Economy, Corporate Sustainability, Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environmental Law and Compliance, Zero Hunger, Clean Water and Sanitation, Life on Land, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Partnerships for the Goals, No Poverty, Good Health and Wellbeing, Gender Equality, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Learning,
The role of AI in sustainability
People have a negative perception of AI (Artificial Intelligence). They also have only a vague idea of what circular economy means. So combining AI (fear) with circular economy (ignorance) equals a lack of understanding of how one can develop the other. That is a gigantic, missed opportunity...
1 August, 2018 / Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Learning,

Get your head out of the sand! AI is shaking up consultancy
Get your head out of the sand! Artificial Intelligence is shaking up the world of consultancy.
18 July, 2018 / Artificial Intelligence (AI), Life on Land, Affordable and Clean Energy, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Learning,

An A-Z glossary of waste definitions
These abbreviations and acronyms are all common to the waste industry, however please note that when used in other contexts they can mean something different!
17 July, 2018 / Waste, DEFRA, Environmental Law and Compliance, Learning,