Here are the latest News, Blogs and Resources from the Rio Club

Energy-from-waste vs. Incineration. What's the difference?
Did you know that a portion of the rubbish that leaves your home is burned, and that some of it is recovered for energy?
20 September, 2018 / Waste, DEFRA, Food Waste, Environmental Law and Compliance, Climate Action,
The evolving role of the waste contractor
Times are changing... Public obsession with single use plastics, cries for better food waste management; and the emergence of the circular economy. But what does this mean for the oft maligned waste contractor? How does it need to adapt and evolve to respond to today's outspoken ethical consumer?
19 September, 2018 / Waste, Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Plastics, Food Waste, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Learning,

Why don’t we have food waste collections across the UK?
A response to Defra stating that food waste collections won't be made mandatory in the UK. Why don’t we have food waste collections across the UK? This will disappoint many and make others happy. The losers will be the AD and compost plants. The winners will be the landfill and incinerator operators
3 August, 2018 / Waste, Circular Economy, DEFRA, Food Waste, Climate Action,