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NPAG NHS Conference

6 December, 2019 / Learning ,

On Thursday 5 December, I attended the NPAG Waste Management and Sustainability conference.

NPAG operates on a self-financing basis is provide support to NHS and other public sector managers in the continuous improvement of their services.

The conference was aimed at NHS managers and leads in Waste Management and Sustainability, and was an opportunity for attendees to hear key presentations on current issues which are not only affecting the NHS, but are also high on the national political and environmental agendas.

The conference focussed on 4 key areas:

  • Regulation
  • Education
  • Industry
  • Innovation

I attended the conference to deliver a presentation on How Learning Can Influence Behaviour Change, as a lot of what we do at Ditto Sustainability links to exactly this. We support individuals and organisations to learn to think differently to encourage changes in behaviour that have positive impacts in the workplace.

As mentioned earlier, the conference was attended by NHS managers and leads in Waste Management; and what was interesting to hear from the audience, was the need for national generic training on Healthcare Waste Management.

If you work in any form of healthcare and require such training, please do contact me for information on our Healthcare Waste online learning. You might also be interested in our What is Healthcare Waste module which can be viewed here.